

昨天 Science在網站上發布一則驚人的消息,他們決定與 Nature合併了,從此結束多年的競爭。(Science, Nature Team Up on New Journal)


至於合併後新期刊的名字,是要叫做 Scientific Nature 或是 Natural Science,則要大家傳簡訊投票。當我為這個消息興奮不已,準備找出傳簡訊的方法時,暗暗覺得不對勁。


In a novel revenue system funded by a grant from Facebook, preprints will be posted on a special social networking Web site where scientists registered in the newly created Faculty of a Million (trademark pending) can vote for acceptance by pressing a "Like" thumbs-up button or reject the paper by pressing a “Dislike” button. Each vote will cost $1/£1 and multiple votes are allowed. "There's been criticism that peer review is too elitist, so we're using the wisdom of the crowds," says Aima Jouk, the journal’s new managing editor.

靠!什麼時候 Facebook開始贊助 Science了?! 生意也做太大了吧?

而且以後發表的paper都要放在網站上讓大家投票,喜歡的就投 Like,不喜歡就投 Dislike,不怕被人家開外掛灌票嗎? (以後不就都是中國發的文章?)


Another innovation will be a ground-breaking iPad application that will allow scientists to view charts, images, and figures in 3-D. And readers will have the option of Skyping authors directly to share their thoughts and feelings about a paper simply by clicking that author's name. As an added incentive, the first 100 new subscribers will get free genome scans.

喂~也太高科技了吧? 以後的圖都可以做成 3D,而且可以用iPad看,另外優惠期間,前一百名註冊的會員還可以免費幫你做基因定序喔!!?? 真是太詭異了!!

不過最引起大家懷疑的是他引用一個叫做 Rick Rolling的雜誌顧問的話,美國人可能已經意識到被耍了,外國人可能要看到他提供這個 Rick Rolling的聯結,才知道被騙。

不過其實仔細看他設計的 Natural Science封面,就知道暗藏玄機了....

如果連 Science雜誌都耍我們,那還有誰可以相信呢? 誰料得到 Science在愚人節也來這套,害我們差點把鹹魚當尚方寶劍。






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