很多人問我關於2007年寫信恐嚇Zhang的嫌疑犯到底是誰,其實12月18日的Nature一篇專文有提到 (http://www.nature.com/news/2009/091218/full/news.2009.1152.html) ,原文如下:
The e-mail was forwarded to law enforcement officials in San Diego. In March 2007, a southern California multi-agency task force, the Computer and Technology Crime High-Tech Response Team, obtained warrants to search the records of Internet service providers in connection with the case. On 6 April, an officer with the task force notified Zhang that it considered Eric Tippmann, who overlapped with Zhang while both were postdoctoral fellows in Schultz's lab in 2004, to be a suspect.
登登,答案揭曉,其實大家也猜得到,嫌疑犯就是那個重複實驗不出來的postdoc,Eric Tippmann。(比柯南的殺人犯還好猜) 但是這種事關學術名譽的事情,Tippmann當然要極力否認,他說警察只經過簡短的調查就認定他是嫌疑犯,實在有失公平。
其實由Email查IP是非常簡單的事情,這個問米尼么五八都知道,何況是訓練有素的"南加州高科技網路犯罪調查小組",根本是小塊蛋糕。只是詭異的是,Zhang後來去找他們老闆Schultz 還有Scripps所長 Lerner討論後,決定不追究這件事,當過李組長的鄉民都知道,其中案情並不單純。
(以下純屬猜測) 我猜當初應該有找Tippmann一起來搓湯圓,因為發Science造假是很嚴重的一件事,於是他們就對外宣稱,實驗記錄本已經在2006年憑空消失了,就說反正Zhang在2004年somehow做出這個實驗,只是有些tricky的步驟,後人太駑鈍沒辦法重覆出來,所以Science那篇被撤銷是因為實驗記錄本找不到,而不是數據做假。而實驗記錄本,可能已經被燒掉了,除非叫小叮噹來,否則早已死無對証。
其實PGS有名的地方在於,他們發明一種方法,可以將"非自然的胺基酸 (Unnatural aminao acids)" 引入蛋白質中,稱為"Unnatural amino acid Mutagenesis Methodology",實驗流程如下圖:
這個技術最關鍵之處就是要找到一個能將Unnatural amino acid接到特定tRNA的酵素 (tRNA synthetase) ,而這個帶著unnatural amino acid的 tRNA就會在in vitro translaton 的時候將這個胺基酸置入蛋白質中。
JACS 2004這篇以MS證明他們得到這個Glycomyoglobin:
然而Tippmann一直深信Zhang的結果做假,他堅持這個MS結果跟2003年一篇不相干的JACS paper裡的圖很相似:
而他說Science 2004這篇的Myo-GlcNAc-serine (下圖)很像JACS 2004的左邊那根:
JACS 2004的m/z: 18431.0,Science 2004的m/z: 18430.1,差了0.9,好像也有點硬凹。
不過Tippmann又補了一刀,他在J. Biol. Chem.發了一篇,他指出Zhang之前paper裡的E. coli esterase activity 和 M. jannaschii Tyr aaRS specificity,跟他做出來的不一樣,所以那兩篇是騙人的。
最後,他們發現這個glycosylated amino acid不會結合到tRNA synthetase的active site。
A test with a different glycosylated amino acid shows that it actually binds the unnatural amino acid not in the normal “active site” but at another site. Here it then prompts a conventional natural amino acid to be incorporated in the active site, giving a false positive reading.
We wish to retract our Report in which we report that β–N-acetylglucosamine-serine can be biosynthetically incorporated at a defined site in myoglobin in Escherichia coli. Regrettably, through no fault of the authors, the lab notebooks are no longer available to replicate the original experimental conditions, and we are unable to introduce this amino acid into myoglobin with the information and reagents currently in hand. We note that reagents and conditions for the incorporation of more than 50 amino acids described in other published work from the Schultz lab are available upon request.
這樣的聲明一出來,很多人覺得很沒誠意,而且疑點重重,什麼叫做"不是作者的錯,是因為實驗記錄本不見,所以重複不出來",怎麼不見的也沒有交代清楚,而且如果只是單純的無法重複,全世界無法重複的實驗很多啊,為何還有恐嚇信的事件? 所以PGS實驗室如果沒有誠實的把真相說出來,實在很難讓大眾信服。
1. Zhang, Z. et al. Science 303, 371-373 (2004). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |
2. Xu, R. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 15654-15655 (2004). | Article | PubMed | ChemPort |
3. Check Hayden, E. Nature 462, 707 (2009). | Article | PubMed | ChemPort |
4. Antonczak, A. K., Simova, Z. & Tippmann, E. M. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 28795-28800 (2009). | Article | PubMed | ChemPort |
5. Alfonta, L., Zhang, Z., Uryu, S., Loo, J. A. & Schultz, P. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 14662-14663 (2003). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |